Ph.D in International Relations (2019, Kyoto University)

Associate Professor of International Relations at Hokkaido University

For more information, see my CV.


  • 国立情報学研究所客員准教授(2021年より)
  • 財務省財務総合政策研究所特別研究官(2023年より)




Research Interests

I am interested in the intersection between international politics/security and economy. I primarily employ formal modeling and data science.

国際政治(特に安全保障)と国際経済の相互作用や緊張関係に関心があります。 主にゲーム理論やデータ分析を研究手法として用いています。


  1. Mizuno, Takayuki, Shohei Doi, and Shuhei Kurizaki. “The flow of corporate control in the global ownership network.” Plos one 18.8 (2023): e0290229.
  2. Mizuno, Takayuki, Shohei Doi, Takahiro Tsuchiya, and Shuhei Kurizaki. “Socially responsible investing through the equity funds in the global ownership network.” Plos one 16.8 (2021): e0256160.
  3. Doi, Shohei, Takayuki Mizuno, and Naoya Fujiwara. “Estimation of socioeconomic attributes from location information.” Journal of Computational Social Science 4 (2021): 187-205.
  4. Mizuno, Takayuki, Shohei Doi, and Shuhei Kurizaki. “The power of corporate control in the global ownership network.” Plos one 15.8 (2020): e0237862.
  1. Ono, Jumpei, and Shohei Doi. “Women, Peace and Security: Literature Review of Women and Intrastate Conflict” Annals, Public Policy Studies 17 (2023): 79-100.
  2. Tsuchiya, Takahiro, Shohei Doi, Takayuki Mizuno, Shuhei Kurizaki. “Difficulty and Possibility of Global Governance for SDGs through ESG investing: Big Data Analysis of Ownership Network” The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Journal,Kyoto University of Advanced Science 5 (2023): 1-17.
  3. Doi, Shohei, et al. “South Korea–Japan FCR crisis and public opinion: Gathering survey data in real-time crisis development.” Japanese Public Sentiment on South Korea (2021): 18-31.
  4. Nakayama, Yumi, and Shohei Doi. “Text Analysis of International Immigration Institution: Speech by Nordic Countries in UNHCR” Methods of International Relations Research: Principles and Practices (2021): 213-236.
  5. Suzuki, Motoshi, Keisuke Iida, and Shohei Doi. “Analyzing International Developmental Loan Markets with Rival Lenders.” Games of Conflict and Cooperation in Asia (2017): 227-248.

See also Google Scholar and researchmap.




  • 開講日時はカレンダーをご覧ください。




  • 質問の受付、過去の回答の閲覧


  • 国際関係の研究やデータ分析の学習に役立つと考えるウェブサイト

R/Pythonで計量政治学入門 (2024)

国際公共政策学の講義レジュメ (2021-2023)

Ubuntuのセットアップ (2023)

気楽にウェブサイト (2023)

国際政治の計量分析Iの講義スライド (2020-2022)

国際関係論におけるデータ分析 (2021)

Statistical Causal Inference: Instrumental Variable Estimation (2020)

Rで計量政治学入門 (2019?)



研究室:080-0809 北海道札幌市北区北9条西7丁目 法学部609号室